Books and Lifestyle Products

Power of Maca by Lorrie Ingram

SKU 5473 Category

What is maca?

Maca is a superfood that belongs to the cruciferous vegetable family. It is grown in harsh weather conditions on mountain tops in Peru. Maca has had a long history as an outstanding food source, known to provide strength, increase stamina and libido within individuals. In the time of the Incas, maca was fed to warriors before going in to battle. Other times it was reserved for royalty because of its health benefits.

In ancient times, maca was cooked whole in pits, layered with coals of charred earth and roots. It was also boiled and mashed. Now, maca is an extremely versatile food, and its bitter butterscotch flavour goes well in savoury and sweet dishes. Maca has an impressive nutrient content – and it because of this it is one of the most powerful foods on the planet! Anyone who is serious about getting abundant energy and living a healthy life.